Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nothing's ever set in stone...

I started this semester thinking I'd teach 600.490: Software Development for Scientists and Engineers to a bunch of eager graduate students from outside the CS department. Fail! :-( Then I thought I'd teach 600.328: Compilers and Interpreters to a bunch of eager graduate students from inside the CS department. Fail! Again! :-( Now I finally have a third course: I'll teach 600.226: Data Structures to a bunch of eager undergraduates from all over the place. Woohoo! :-)

Seriously, I love that course! And since Joanne Houlahan is handing it to me, she'll stay around to keep tabs on my tendency to give too much homework. So to the students I'll meet tomorrow: Relax! It won't be a "full dose" of Peter-style homeworks this semester. That may well be a good thing, I just might learn how to cut down the workload in my other courses as well. Probably a good idea since I am scheduled to teach 600.107: Introduction to Programming next semester. Wouldn't want to scare too many people off after all. :-)

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